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Do South Korean people really like “SPICY”?

In my U.S. experience, every person asks me, "Oh, this is a little bit spicy, but you came from South Korea; I'm sure you are OK. " Sure, I like spicy food really much. However, we have yet to learn about every South Korean people's taste type. In Yummirific data, we collected 3,397 people's taste preference data with 40 survey questions. Fortunately, we covered that "SPICY." Our question number 8 aligns with "SPICY." "I like spicy food." So, I analyzed 3,397 people's responded data related to basic tasty preferences, Sour, Bitter, Salty, Sweety, and "SPICY. Here are some fun facts about it.
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Yummirific Taste Type Indicator

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